Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Ride on the Icy Roads

We expected a big ice storm today. Instead, the snow was melting and then it hovered around freezing so everything was icy hard slush. Dad needed me to take him to an appointment in Grand Rapids. The ride was actually not bad. Dad and I talked a bit. He told me about what his procedure was all about and he talked about Mom a little as well.

I left early and got home late so my time with the kids was just sending them off to school. Allen had it in his head to take a cold lunch today even though he has prepaid hot lunch ready. Amber told him to get milk from a "milk line" and he got upset. How upset? He didn't want to go to school. I remember having anxiety when I was in elementary school, too. It is tough being a kid. I feel for the little guy.

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