Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Doctor's Office

Ashton went to school yesterday and we got a note that said another child had scarlet fever. Yes, scarlet fever. After the events of Monday, we were a little concerned so I took the girls to the doctor. Ashton has been acting fine for the last couple of days so it was no surprise when I was told she was fine and we have nothing to worry about. Good news. She is a cute little person and I am happy she is feeling better.

Abby has officially decided that I am okay and was very social with me and decided several times tonight to sit in my lap while Amber was sitting right next to her on the couch. Amber gave me the obligatory dirty look but I know that aside from some superficial jealousy she thought it was cute.

This morning we got up a little late so I took Allen to school. He later told me that he doesn't like being late and instructed us to set our alarms properly. Allen came home and this was the first day I did not wait outside for his bus. He and I played some soccer for a bit and he is getting better and better. He is aiming better, getting a harder faster shot, and he is tracking the ball better so he stops my shots really well. I love it.

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